Meet’s Fitness Trainer of the Month, Michael Creamer first met Mike Creamer at, where else, the ACSM Health and Fitness Summit earlier this year.  A few weeks later, fresh out of our own home brew, we jumped over to the nearest Starbucks.  Who other do we run into than Creamer, bike in tow, ready for a daylong outdoor ride.  Since then, we?ve had the opportunity to speak a little bit more.
How many years have you been in the fitness industry?
I have been working in the fitness industry for over 20 years.  I ran a gym in my hometown of Dublin, Ireland before moving to the U.S.  Soon after, I began working as a personal trainer for Plus One Fitness Clinic in Soho. At that time Plus One was one of the few exercise facilities in NYC that offered one-on-one training exclusively and was considered the premier club of its kind. Plus One catered to a professional and celebrity clientele

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